Friday, July 25, 2014

Bird of Paradise

This is not a painting.  It's just the first bloom this year on our Paradise.  We have wanted one ever since we were in Australia and have finally got one to bloom.  Actually we had a bloom last year but this year we will have at least 2.  This is the first in 2014.

R & R

Took some time off to think about where I wanted to go on my paintings.  Decided to change subjects for awhile to refresh.  Have done a couple of florals.  Let me know what you think.

This is from my garden, "Roses of Sharon".  I usually call them Altheas but my friends told me that name was too prosaic for the painting.

This next one is also a view of the garden coming around the corner from the back.  It is not as nice nor interesting as the althea.  I don't know if it is the subject or the composition.  Haven't even named it yet.  Actually, I can't decide if it deserves one.

Painting of the girls at the beach has been sold.