Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life just gets in the way!

Believe it or not I have actually been painting, and having a lot of fun and frustration and impatience, and joy...all mixed in together.  I think I finished my painting of Mary and the "Angel" and have set it aside for awhile to see if I want to do anything else to it.  In the meantime I'm starting a rather complicated scene from my patio garden.  This is not really my usual so it's kind of an experiment for me.  It is in it's awful state that paintings go through, so I'm not posting it. You painters will understand. Painting is a lot more fun without the gallery, but then again I need a gallery to display them.  Decisions, decisions!

I took in some of my old pastels to be photographed by Rick Wells.  (By the way,he is a master at this)  I miss working in pastel sometimes.  Funny how I choose different subjects for different mediums. I wonder if other painters do this!   Anyway, they're on my website if you want to see them.  "".

I'm still working on the best arrangment for a studio.  I'm afraid my husband may divorce me if I make him move anymore things around, especially since I'm thinking about moving it all  uptairs.

One thing about never know where it's going.  You can organize, plan, make suggestions and on and on,  but........don't bother because you never know where it will take you.  One thing is sure, things will always change.  I think about one of stranger paintings, and least liked except by me, called "Walking the Line".  That's life.

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