Friday, November 16, 2012


  Now that I'm home in mornings I've noticed an interesting happening here.  AT the back corner of our property is a telephone poll.  Most days in the bright morning the crows begin to gather.  First one or two then more. It's like they're planning their day.  You know, who do we stalk today and where do we begin.
My daughter and son in law own 6 acres adjacent to mine and I know they have a murder of crows on the property.
   This group "owns" the territory apparently.  On one occasion we heard a great commotion and our son in law found a foundling hawk on the ground near a very tall pine.  It's parent were frantic and the crows were ready for the kill.  He  caught the hawk who wasn't yet able to fly and placed it as high as possible in the tree.  For some time thereafter he fed and watered the little bird until it was able to excape.
   Anyway, this was the the group of crows that live in the trees between their home and ours.  Not a friendly bunch, but ineresting.  In the evenings especially we see them swoop over our property. And that telephone pole is their gathering spot.
    This is a round about way of saying I find them fascinating and set out to get their picture.  It seems like they knew when my camera was searching and managed to vanish.  Sooooo I took a photo of the pole. Any way I seem compelled to paint the scene. I'm not sure about this painting.  I hope you will let me know what you think about it.  I will probably have it finished tomorrow.  In the meanwhile, here is my photo.

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BugBoyBlog said...
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