Sunday, October 4, 2015


As they say, "life goes on."  You think, maybe wish, it won;t. But as much as you hurt, it becomes
very real and must be delth with.  I have had a wonderful response from this painting.  I like to think it may help others in pain,  I am thankful I had the ability to let my hurt out this way

Will is still positive.  I still love him with all my heart and I know it won't stay this way. But I intend to enjoy every minute I have with him now.  He lives with his two children and several cats.  He loves canoeing and taking walks and watching Nascar on TV.  I am thankful he was part of my life as long as possible.  I was always amazed at how smart he is..even now he is slower, and can't add, but he is in our life.

This was the only painting I had done this year.  Now I am preparing for an "Open Studio" function
on Oct. 10, so I've been doing a few small pieces.

If anyone reads this, I never meant to ignore my thoughts with you about art.  I love painting.  I love looking at paintings.  I know most of my life is behind me, but I hope to continue to put my thoughts
on canvas,  I always hope my work will let me share, and feel closer, the rest of my time.

Friday, April 24, 2015

"I can't stop the rain!"

     My first thought was "I can't deal with this.  I'm drowning!"

     As an artist I had to do something.  I had to try to paint what I was feeling. So this is it.  It's not quite finished....raindrops, not sure what else.  But here is my start.  I will repost when it's finished.  I thought you might like to see how an artist's mind works as I go along.  I'm not sure that any of my work will be as personal as this one.  But there will be more.

Life Interrupts

      Our lives experienced a very sad interruption.  One of my children has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease.
      My life seemed to come to a total stop.  One has concerns about having this disease as old age approaches.  But NO ONE ever expects it to strike their children.  It becomes extremely complicated as well as heart braking. After all there are children involved.  In fact so many people seem to be caught up in this tragedy it's hard to even know where to begin.
      For several weeks I couldn't stop tears.  He was so smart.  So talented.  Why him? He had so much going for him. He had a good job and was a talented musician. I watched him at his last performance with his band.  He looked so happy when he played.  But he had to get help finding the right fret for each piece.  A stranger might not notice his difficulties, but I saw them....!  He still has love to give, to me, to his 2 year old granddaughter, to his cats.  Now he is giving talks to groups about what it's like to have this illness.  Why?  "I'm an analyzer. I analyze."
     But I no longer want to paint landscapes.  I want to go back to my weirder subjects dealing with emotions.  If you have seen my website, you can see what I mean.  If not, stay tuned. ..